@KPFCityBot Directions

Mash up cities by tweeting @ the KPFCityBot the cities you want to combine. If you Tweet...

@KPFCityBot Map London.

CityBot will tweet back an image of London. Or, if you tweet...

@KPFCityBot Map London. Density New York.

CityBot will tweet back and image London with the density of New York. You can try this with other attributes, or string many attributes together. For instance, if you tweet the following...

@KPFCityBot Map London. Density New York. Parks Shanghai. Buildings New York. Streets New York.

CityBot will tweet back an image of London with the density of New York, the parks of Shanghai, the buildings of New York and the street widths of New York. Give it a try with the following Cities...


Whatever city comes right after "map" will be the base city. The rest of the attributes are optional. Here is a complete list of the available attributes...
